TPK News Archive

Map Quests

09/14/19 07:22pm

Hey TPK,

It looks like everyone's been enjoying our newest map, Dragon's Den. It was a ton of fun to put together. I wanted to highlight a feature that was developed along with this map release - Map Quests.

First, I finished an update today which brings three new quests. Or more specifically old quests that are restored with the Quest Book system. We now have Corvus Investigation, A Secret Dungeon Story, and The Safari Game added to the list. Even if you've done these missions with the old map system, you'll have to redo them with the Quest System. You'll also get the rewards again too! (And the Safari Zone quest doesn't give Super Rod anymore).

Our long time TPK fans will be able to complete these easily, but for players who haven't done them before, the Quest Book can help guide you through them by giving hints and reminders about what you've already seen. I know reading text on a screen is very hard for people in 2019, so in case you missed important something that a NPC said, that text will be available in the Quest Book. Once you've completed the quest, the book will update to show what your rewards were.

I'd love to hear feedback if people are using the hints in the book and how the experience is. It's a bit of effort to make the quest book content for each quest, and as the Map Engine continues to improve the quests will only get more complex. The TPK team is excited to work on new map opportunities.

PS: If you are interested in making TPK maps, talk to me about the application process.

See ya,

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