TPK News Archive

TPK Revolution 2019

08/24/19 12:00am

It's time for our annual TPK Revolution Event!

Start date: Saturday, August 24th
End date: Friday, August 30st

Each day will have its own themed event for you to earn points! There will not be rankings for each day; however there will be a "grand total" ranking to see who has earned the most points throughout the week. With that said, there will be 5 tiers of Pokémon prizes that are unlocked by reaching different point milestones during the event. You do not have to participate in each day's event to earn all of the point milestones. Each day will also have its own set of point milestones to earn some cool items! At the end of the week, the players with the top 3 points earned from the event will get the grand prize. Note: The bonus item rewards will be given manually and may be distributed after the event.

The breakdown of how points are earned will be displayed on the event page when it goes live. Do note that after one day is over, you will no longer be able to earn points from the tasks of previous days.

P.S. If you made it all the way to the bottom of the news post, we have a new map in the works. The Map Engine was worth it.

Have a TPK week!

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