TPK News Archive

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11/06/15 07:52pm

I'll be holding a contest details can be found here (click me). ~ Kratos

Hey everyone it's been awhile since a new news post, I know B0sh and I have been extremely busy these past couple of days but I'm here to inform everyone that we aren't doing nothing we're currently working on new things and brainstorming new ideas to rejuvenate TPK once again. You can always share your thoughts and ideas on TPK's forum which can be found here (click me).

As for other things such as sprites and so forth Nekomata has health has been very poor lately which even has her held back in college she's currently trying her best and will hopefully be back in action soon (let's pray for her everyone!).

That concludes on what is currently going on but sit tight everyone they're more updates to come!

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