TPK News Archive


01/05/14 02:55am

Notice #2: Register seems to have some issues which I'm trying to resolve if you are trying to make a storage, sibling, gym account or having a friend trying to register please patiently wait thank you.

Notice: If some of you are wondering where "Retro Style" is, it will be added back do not worry.

Warning: You MAY be required to hard-refresh in order to see some changes as files maybe cached as the old ones.

Woah, what the heck is going on? Aha, surprise this our New Years gift to everyone at TPK V1.6.0 is a new upgraded layout with some minor changes not to worry! We couldn't wait to bring this new layout so we pulled out this for now we're working on a V1.6.5 which will follow up this upgrade so hold on tight for more I'd like to thank myself, B0sh, Neko (For all the scheme support) and the rest of the staff for their hard work. I hope you all enjoy this new layout!

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