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12/20/15 06:51pm

This will be a long news posts but the important stuff will be bolded.

1. TPK is back up and running, we are human and mistakes happen. We have taken steps to ensure that this won't happen again.
2. Based off of logs, I have given all players compensation based off of your activity. Please check your private messages.
3. SoullessGroudon will be extended to Janurary 5th 2016. The following Soulless will be 10 days in length.

If you want some more details keep reading.

If you've been playing TPK since v1, you may remember we had a sitation just like this one 3 years ago. I had accidentally wiped the Pokemon data, and had to recover from a backup 9 days old. Something similar happened this time. The users table was accidentally cleared. Our last backup was from Tuesday December 15th at 5:30pm. The data loss happened at around 4pm on Saturday. I was on a Band trip, and had literally just gotten on the bus to go play a game when I found out what happened. I got home at around 2am that night and tried to fix it but I ended up just falling asleep at my laptop. There wasn't much I could've done...

I tried to make coming from the backup as good as possible. I was able to go back through our battle and mining logs and compensate players. A Lucky Egg+ which gives 2x EXP. Points was given to players equal to the number of battles they did during the loss. For mining, I literally just ran the mines again, so you lost nothing there. All trades and sales were reset though, just due to the nature of data. Theoretically, if all the trades and sales were completed, and the lucky eggs were used on Pokemon that were trained before, then everything would be exactly the same, with no extra effort. Of course, I don't expect this to happen, but I think I made the best of this terrible situation.

I recovered a few other things as well for players who did things besides mining and training on an individual basis, such as battle frontier. If you did something that you think should be rolled back, talk to me and I may be able to do it.

Several members have donated recently, and the next EXP. Boost donation bar has been filled! All donations go straight to paying for server costs. TPK has a much larger server than it needs, to keep the speed of the game at the highest it can be. The donations are extremely appriciated. If you want to donate, go see the Donations page at the bottom of the navigation for information.

The date of the EXP. Boost is:
Monday December 28th 2015

Lets keep moving forward guys, this frantic rollback is over now. TPK has a lot of great updates in the works, and I'm looking forward to getting back to working on them. The future of TPK look bright!


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