TPK News Archive

We needed a new post, seriously.

10/08/13 11:28pm

Edit By Kratos 2: So, we managed to get our hands on a X/Y sprites however they won't be out for sometime so please bear with us guys.

Edit By Kratos: As majority of you know Pokemon X/Y come today worldwide (Please support the official release) and thus members are likely thinking if we will have 6th Gen Pokemon well, if we could possibly get the sprites for it we will if not it's likely we will only have Mega Evolutions.

Due too B0sh and I being busy exams, school, work etc we've been lacking on updates for TPK. We have some plans for up coming features so please bear with us guys. Once we get the chance to start working on TPK we will right away lately it's just been error fixing or small updates but expect some new big features soon I thank all who still enjoy and play TPK.

Just remember follow the rules, have fun and obey the staff visit the chats and forum more often get connected with the rest of our community and help bulid a stronger RPG. :)

B0sh: I'd like to add that over the last month or so 80% of the updates have been staff panel stuff that the members never get to see. But still, I've been busy and haven't had a lot of time to code.

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