TPK News Archive

Staff change, again.

09/03/13 08:00pm

Edit by Kratos: I got shot in the face.

Edit by Light: Stalker is back, one promotion came from this, Dimension is now a moderator again. April POSSIBLY chat staff, the jury is still out on that one.

Edit by Kratos: We are currently having issues with our cron script and will look into it and have it fixed soon please wait patiently guys, thank you.

Stalker has stepped down from his moderator position due to school and life, we are going to respect his choice, we are also however going to look for a replacement, the rpg is down 3 moderators at the moment, so I'd like to give you all a chance! Send a application to Light, ID 12 in game, in the following format!

Staff applications closed.

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