TPK News Archive

Staff vs. Players

06/10/12 12:10pm

Player Total

Staff Total

Congratulations to all participants for SvP (Some of them didn't participate very much, but meh). I hope everyone had a good time doing it!

Now on to the prizes, everyone wants to know. The prizes will work a bit different. All players get a Sl Tepig for winning. Level 5, random gender. The top 5 players from each clan have their txp listed. This is accurate, it was a copypaste. All of these players can put their exp on whatever pokemon they choose. It can be split on multiple pokemon, or even other people's pokemon. These players should post with this format.

Pokemon 1 Name:
Pokemon 1 ID:
Amount of Exp:
Pokemon 2 Name:
Pokemon 2 ID:
Amount of Exp:

Other can be any other data. If you can't get the pokemon ID, then inclue the following information there: Level, Gender, Current Exp. Make sure that is labeled

These players have received their prize:

Tepig Clan Zoura Total TXP
pikachu9900 2537 83136 835 86499 17,313,249,658
Insa 1484 19520 880 21884 4,338,850,125
Kira 1541 15855 185 17581 3,847,486,965
beast6 1100 6329 0 7429 1,331,951,643 \ (Exact same, gratz guys XD)
oddish002 1000 5610 283 6893 1,331,951,643 /
AirGear 1193 5042 0 6235
IceD 622 858 0 1480
japanman 404 694 0 1094
neocloud 550 676 0 1226
Kaito 540 382 0 922

Tepig Clan Zoura Total
Lumni 578 6924 256 7758 1,737,263,526
Nub 1130 6466 0 7596 1,447,391,773
Alpha 1047 6131 289 7467 1,491,461,890
B0sh 918 6265 100 7287 901,550,063
Metavasi 922 3361 180 4463 976,187,985
Axlotl 1080 2820 3 3903
Whereisit 871 2262 0 3133
Zidane 700 1020 0 1720
Greg 331 120 0 451
Nightrush 227 33 0 260

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