TPK News Archive

Happy Birthday TPK!

06/01/12 12:01am

Today, June 1st, Marks the first ever 1 year anniversary for The Pokemon Kingdom!
And to Celebrate this our friend Bob has come to visit us here at the RPG, He's looking for a little help so why don't you go find him and see if you can help out?

Hope you all have a Rockin' first Birthday.

Kratos edit:
You should now notice TPK is much faster and improved, if anything it's the site not the server. If you notice any errors please post below.

Kratos Edit (2):
Sorry for being inactive and all been busy with life and other stuff, but don't worry I'll get back to working on v1.5.0 soon.

B0sh edit: (I should really get a color)
I am going on summer camp. Leaving in 30 minutes. So don't PM me or anything, because I wont be here... I'll see you guys in a week.

Axlotl edit:
As B0sh now has a temporary IRC channel set up, you may click the link posted in the footer so you can access it.

NOTE: I have noticed that the chatroom link on the sidebar is now accessible.

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