TPK News Archive

2 Weeks In

02/13/17 06:08pm

Hey TPK,

I hope you've been having a blast playing the updated TPK! I know I have. I know I've been making a lot of changes and bug fixes since the game has come out and I haven't done a great job at telling you what those things are. I also wanna talk about some future updates.

New Stuff Since Release

Team Quest Updates Tasks were poorly balanced on our first attempt, especially not knowing how the new updated TPK would feel. We've gone through and updated the tasks, and released the shops. Tasks now give Team Credits, used in the shops, so you won't give up your hard earned reputation in the shops.

More Tradable Currencies: LOL Coins, BP, and Minigame Points can be traded!

Chaterpie: Since release Chaterpie has become a whole lot more stable with fixes in chat bans, commands, and irc compatibility with 2 clients running. Lots of work that doesn't get noticed :(.

Issues To Be Addressed

As smooth as TPK's release has been overall, there's been a large amount of minor issues. Here's a few of the more major updates and fixes still on the list:

TPK Green Fixes: Honestly, this is probably the biggest let down for users, but since the release I have only been paying attention to the new TPK bug fixes, and there are many bugs which need to be fixed in the previous release.
Daily Maintenance: The daily script has been a constant battle for me since release. I want this to be better too believe me. Banned people in master titles too.
Features for Global Accounts: The global account feature was a very last minute addition to TPK. Things like your password, layout settings, avatar, username, etc. should be tied to your global account.
Boards: Similarly, the boards should be done with your global account, so that the boards are not fragmented among TPK versions.
Battle Frontier: Want to tackle all of the minor issues with the battle system and improve the experience on mobile
Speedruns: Maybe this is just for me, but speedrun will added back as its own TPK game database, available to players who have reached TL 11 in either TPK version.

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