TPK News Archive

TPK v1

05/30/11 10:23pm

Hi, its B0sh

Over a while, I've come to be that guy from TPK. While thats ok with me, TPK has never really been something before.
We had a crappy battle system, crappy maps, and it was just crappy in general. Once I set a goal to just work on TPK, I followed through with my goal.
And really, I've been working very hard on TPK. I have re-done most (if not all) of the pages.
There has been MANY new features that I have added to the game, and all in all, I think it really is a great RPG.
Not only that, but I have improved tenfold with my coding. I was looking the other day at some of the old TPK code, it hurt my eyes 0.0.
Right now we are at version 1.0.0, but I see that number going up a lot. Just today I had a great idea for something that I could add at a later date.
So, enjoy the game. And know that later, there is much greater to come. This is only the begining.

One last thing:

That is all,

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