i followed this guide to completion 6:51 PM 3/2/2018 for installing ruby on windows first i got rubymine then I got rubyinstaller, and THEN had to follow through with the MSYS thing that comes after with it and install all the bundles then I also had to install node.js When ruby mine is confugired then you need to run the bundle function Basic using of rubymine: ctrl+shift+a = spotlight right click and new -> ruby generate to do controllers and modulues run in development mode, not production (derp) don't try to change the defaults, find a way to make the defaults work 11:15 PM 3/2/2018 10:13 PM 3/3/2018 this was very helpful when adding the press function to the button controller 9:05 AM 3/4/2018 10:18 PM 3/10/2018 followed tic tac toe guide I got redis working. another thing you have to INSTALL REDIS 9:56 PM 3/24/2018 WHEN BCRYPT DOESN"T INSTALL GO INTO ADMINISTRATOR is the directory for using windows terminal ruby stuff learned how to use the terminal in rubymine C:\Ruby24-x64\bin 10:50 PM 4/20/2018 more bcrypt issues becuase i bundle updated stop server cd C:\Ruby24-x64\bin gem uninstall bcrypt gem install bcrypt --platform=ruby then you can start again and continue Apparantly you need to install NodeJS to have a javascript runtime to compile coffee script. yet another reason thats a stupid abstraction 10:30 PM 5/2/2018 attempting to setup heroku so many issues, but i think i'm on the right track (PLUS I"M PROCRASTINATING) have to change from sqlite to postgres for heroku bc disk writing remains to be seen if I have to host my own db or not 11:21 PM 5/2/2018 heroku had issues with the git command pushing turns out the issue was not with heroku at all "git push heroku master" heroku is the user 3:12 PM 5/3/2018 got postgres to work earlier today now i'm trying to get action cable to work in heroku